Well since today is the first day of winter… JUST KIDDING!
It’s actually spring; but if you live in Michigan it may seem like winter is back after our beautiful, almost 80-degree weather last week, and SNOW this week. lol
In honor of our crazy weather, I thought I would share some of my favorite images from a session I did just for fun with my sister, our niece, and another special teen in our lives at the Pine River Nature Center. <3
These two girls… where to begin…
I’ve had the opportunity of watching Lauren grow up from day one, but I just met Amy a little over a year ago. She’s the daughter of my sister’s co-worker, and although I’ve heard stories about her over the years, I’ve never had the chance to get to know her.
Well during quarantine, these two girls (and Jacob, Lauren’s brother) became my quarantine crew! They spent so much time at our house that we teased their parents that we should get part of their stimulus check. lol
We went to drive-in church together, went on trips to home improvement stores, went swimming, binge watched Netflix, ate LOTS of ice cream, worked in my flower beds, and more. We had so many great conversations, and although 2020 was a hard year for many, I am SO thankful for the memories we were able to make and the time we were able to spend with one another during those months.
These two girls are so beautiful inside and out and words cannot express how special they are to me and Stacy! <3
Towards the end of winter, we decided to have some fun and head to the nature center for winter portraits. We may have become human popsicles by the time we were done, but the laughter helped us overcome how cold it was.
Here are a some of my favorites from this special session!
Want to see more winter pictures? Check out my session with Alexis.